About Us

Who we are

Oro Molido Foundation is a non-profit organization created in 2015 in Medellín, Colombia. Its goal is to improve development opportunities for children and young people that live in rural coffee-growing communities in the areas of operation of the coffee producer and exporter Oro Molido S.A.

This single goal is reached through sustainable programs in the sectors of: Health, Education, and Infrastructure. They are addressed at rural communities, based on a scheme of skills that will help them make their opportunities equal to people who are born in privileged conditions.


Our CEO presents the Foundation

Juan Camilo Escobar Villegas

Where do we operate?

Oro Molido Foundation operates in rural communities of Antioquia, Magdalena, and Huila, which are Oro Molido S.A. Colombia’s production hot spots. Our work is focused on strengthening the interests of children and young people that look for new ways to improve living conditions in rural areas. This way, the migration of the new generations to cities would be mitigated.

The vast majority or rural communities where we operate suffer from high rates of poverty, lack of schooling, environmental pollution, and low sense of participation when it comes to recognizing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in their day-to-day lives.

Our purpose

The Oro Molido Foundation is focused on the development of rural coffee-growing communities. The objective is to improve their quality of life, offer new opportunities to children and young people, help farmers have an active role in the transformation of rural areas, dignify their work, and promote work technification. Both the Foundation and the Company are committed to protecting the environment by making preservation a priority, above all the projects planned for coffee-growing communities.

Our programs

The purpose of our projects is to create a different environment that integrates rural communities that are impacted by us, so that they are able to turn their problems into new opportunities for sustainable development.

The projects have been designed to work on three lines: health, education, and infrastructure.
To comply with and develop its projects, the Oro Molido S.A. family supplies resources, receives donations, and creates strategic alliances with other organizations and foundations, which helps creating a higher impact.

We work in 3 lines

Más educación Fundación Oromolido Fredonia Antioquia Colombia

More Education

Mejor salud Fundación Oromolido Fredonia Antioquia Colombia

Better Health

infraestructura Fundación Oromolido Fredonia Antioquia Colombia
