
For the Foundation, infrastructure is an essential tool for community development, through which communities
can achieve dignified living conditions, similar to urban areas.

Sé Project

The goal is to build a library and a cultural center in the Vista Nieve school of Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, to improve education levels with respect to reading skills and to provide a place where people can socialize.
The library will be multifunctional. It will be used not only to store books and provide a calm, inspiring place; it will also be a place where students can (learn to) read, learn about culture, study art, and perform recitals.
There will also be a coffee lab area, where high school graduates can study coffee plantations, cultivation, and trade in depth.

We believe that the construction of this library will not only benefit the school, but will be a symbol of hope for the community. A gathering place where all the people are welcome to connect and learn from each other.

Improvement and construction of community spaces

Social development spaces in communities where Oro Molido Foundation has an impact are essential for interaction, better quality of life, education, and recreation of communities. These spaces provide dignity to the coffee-growing community by facilitating mobility and by offering spaces for interaction.

Our work on improving and building community spaces has allowed us to work together with local governments to improve the street network of the most isolated communities within our area of influence. In addition, the Foundation has contributed to the improvement and construction of spaces for integral development of children and young people, such as the arts classroom and recreational parks

Support to micro-enterprises

Our socio-economic program is composed of two phases: in the first phase, family vegetable gardens are established through training and provision of basic supplies so that families achieve food security and sovereignty. In the second phase, we stimulate creation of rural markets so that families can sell surplus produce from their gardens or other artisanal products from the region.

Our projects also seek to recover and dignify regional knowledge by supporting local producers, who are engaged in activities that have been passed down from generation to generation, and by supporting the trades that are native to the areas of influence. Our main goal is that agricultural workers feel proud and recognized by their work in the field.